Principles for storytelling in your content

Discover the timeless art of storytelling and unleash its power to captivate, connect, and inspire audiences with these fundamental principles.

In all of our content that we create, we follow a proven process to ensure that we are communicating as effectively as possible. This process is one that is story-driven, and has clear steps that you can integrate into all of your communications and online outreach.

The following steps are outlined below, and are reflected in the timeless storytelling arc of rising action, climax, and resolution that defines all of the best content used for engaging audiences.

Set Up

Start with the ideal, things as they should be when it comes to the relevant topic



What keeps things from being ideal, what gets in the way or causes conflict



The restored ideal and its effects, because of what you are able to offer



How you are able to offer value and resolve conflict in an invaluable way

Call To Action

The way your audience can respond through clear and easy action steps



The visible benefit for your organization, made evident by real-world impact


The Evergreen Storytelling Mountain

Our process for content development follows the well-established and timeless storytelling plot arc, which follows the course of exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. This provides a framework for creating compelling content and engaging audiences. By follow this tried-and-true story structure, we can captivate masses, build continued interest, and deliver a satisfying and meaningful experience that motivates real world action in your audience.

Get In Touch

Maximize Your Impact Through Storytelling With Us

Evergreen Media

is a production company that helps organizations effectively integrate media into their communications strategy, so that they can clarify their message and harness the power of evergreen content to expand their reach and maximize their impact.


Commercial Photography

Video Production

Media Consultation

Research + Development





Phone Number: 559-824-5610

Based in Fresno, California

Evergreen Media is a part of Julianna & Benjamin Productions, founded by Kailyn Julianna and Eric Benjamin Hamilton. All rights reserved.

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