Ten Talents Foundation
evergreen video + photo
Giving Made Simple
Ten Talents Foundation provides Christian families, individuals, and non-profits with charitable tools so they can leverage their resources for greater Kingdom impact.
We partnered with Ten Talents Foundation to make it so that they could communicate their important message as effectively as possible to their audience.
Now, they are able to deliver the message of that mission to their target audience using the content we created for them.
making their message clear
We helped to identify and communicate the unique value of Ten Talents.
In partnering with the foundation, we worked to make their message clear so that it could be easily digestible for video format. Through our process, we identified their pillar values, and developed a cohesive brand story that effectively communicates their purpose and showcases their value.
equipping them with what they need
We worked hands-on with their team to help them to deliver their message to their audience.
We offered invaluable guidance and expertise to Ten Talents Foundation, and helped to optimize their media presence by using quality and engaging content to catch the attention of their audience.

Hear directly from Ten Talents about how our partnership has helped their communications
Coming soon! In the future, we will share a short testimonial from the folks at Ten Talents Foundation. If you want to hear about the ways in which they were able to use their content and what it was like working with us, check back in soon!

Evergreen Media
is a production company that helps organizations effectively integrate media into their communications strategy, so that they can clarify their message and harness the power of evergreen content to expand their reach and maximize their impact.
Commercial Photography
Video Production
Media Consultation
Research + Development
Evergreen Media is a part of Julianna & Benjamin Productions, founded by Kailyn Julianna and Eric Benjamin Hamilton. All rights reserved.
Visit juliannabenjamin.com for more.